Sacramento California Menopause and Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women in Sacramento

Bioidentical Hormones for Women in SacramentoIt seems like the transition from having regular menstrual cycles to menopause should be a lot easier than it is. As most women in Sacramento County California already know, the road from fertility to permanent infertility is long and filled with many challenges along the way. While hot flashes and irritability probably come to mind, these years also bring a host of other health issues. You could potentially deal with dozens of symptoms by the time you finally reach menopause.

Perimenopause, which is the time women first begin experiencing problems related to hormonal changes, precedes actual menopause by several years. This can range anywhere from two to three years for some women and up to 15 years for others. That’s a long time to put up with so many different issues caused by unbalanced hormones. Unfortunately, many women don’t visit Sacramento Menopause and Perimenopause Doctors until their symptoms seriously interfere with their daily life. When they finally do, the help they receive from Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) offers a promising solution in a safe and natural alternative treatment.

Natural Relief of Menopause and Perimenopause Symptoms with BHRT

In a traditional medical setting in Sacramento, doctors may prescribe synthetic hormones to women who are struggling with perimenopause and menopause symptoms. Women take these on a 28-day cycle, much like birth control pills. Taking estrogen by itself is the most popular form of synthetic hormone medication. Some doctors also prescribe a combination of estrogen, progesterone, and progestin if the woman’s symptoms warrant it. However, the risks don’t outweigh the benefits in many cases. Synthetic hormones are associated with several undesirable side effects and often leave patients feeling worse off than when they started.

With Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, patients receive replacement hormones that are identical in structure to those produced in your own ovaries during your active reproductive years. They are derived from natural plant sources, not manufactured in a laboratory. Unlike standard treatment for hormone imbalance in menopausal women, the ingredients in a Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy compound and the amount you receive of each hormone is entirely dependent on your own needs. DHEA, thyroid hormone, and pregnenolone may be added if your laboratory test results show that you are deficient in these hormones as well.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is available as an injection, cream, patch, gel, or a number of other options. Ask your Bioidentical Hormone doctor what delivery method is the best for your body’s needs.

Fast Relief of Symptoms with Fewer Risks

Because of its natural ingredients, most women in the city of Sacramento tolerate Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy quite well. Side effects, if any, are minor. The most common one is soreness at the injection site, which typically goes away in a day or two. Before giving you the okay to start Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, the doctor you’ve chosen to work with conducts a thorough interview and physical examination. This is to ensure that your body can tolerate the bioidentical replacement hormones.

Your doctor also forwards this information to a local compounding pharmacist so he or she can create your personalized Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy compound. Most women receive a daily dose of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for several weeks. You should notice an improvement or resolution of your menopausal symptoms once your body has adapted to receiving the natural replacement hormones.

Contact a Sacramento area Bioidentical Hormone doctor today to schedule your Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy consultation and learn more about the benefits of Bioidentical Hormones used to treat the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause.

Sacramento Naturopathic Medical Center

Sacramento Naturopathic Medical Center

2530 J Street Suite 100
Sacramento, California 95816